Sunday, September 13, 2009


Yesterday we woke up to find that 6 out of the dozen or so duck eggs had hatched! The yellow balls of down were so cute to watch explore their world on their first day. They followed their mother around, ate broken up pancakes we fed them, drank water from the low tray, huddled underneath Mama Duck, tripped over themselves, flapped their one inch wings, and like all children, got under her feet and in Papa Duck's way. So cute to watch. All the kids, even Parker, wanted to stand out there and watch them all day. Today they left their pen and went in search of food. We threw rice out for them. They still run away from us, but keep close to Mama Duck so that's good. We hear them peeping as they travel around. It's a great lesson and will be fun to see them grow up.
The boys each have their responsibilities to contribute to household life: they each have an area of the yard to sweep in the morning, they're learning to draw water from the well since the pipe for the pump broke, and even Parker is helping to clean up around the house. He's very good and picking up his toys and putting them on the shelf. Last week, James helped Conn get some breadfruit out of the tree and off the roof and he cut some papaya out of the tree. Tanielu helped Conn build a chicken coop outside and move the chickens out there.
We're definitely filling our days. We're tired by the end of the day, and ready to go the next morning. And, thank you for your prayers for rain. That day it started raining and rained hard, too. We haven't been worried about the rain again since then. We're also much healthier now. James and Parker have coughs, but otherwise, we're doing well.


  1. Hi Jennifer and family- I've been at the beach so just caught up with the blog. So it sounds like you might be cutting this trip short? heading to the USA in Dec.? I pray the boys will continue to get stronger and healthier. That's got to be hard on you- mothers tend to worry bunches! Will continue to keep you guys in prayer and hope this school term goes well.

  2. Glad to hear everyone's health is finally improving. Sounds like the boys are being good helpers. I just got the title of this one, See the Itty Bitty Ducks. cute. Happy Birthday to Parker (9/17), 2 years old now. Hope you are doing something special to celebrate. Miss you all. Love, Mom/Grandma

  3. There is a luxury hotel in Memphis, Tennessee, (Hotel Peabody) that has ducks that live at the hotel. They have a duck parade twice a day, led by the duckmaster. Often, the five ducks are in a fountain in the luxurious lobby; at other times, they have a duck penthouse on the roof of the hotel. The ducks "work" for three months and then are returned to a fsrm. Maybe: "Have ducks; will travel."


  4. Wow, ducklings! How exciting. It really sounds like you all are better physically and that life is smoother. I can hear the smile in your voice just reading your words. I look forward to seeing the boys, I know they will seem huge. Happy Birthday, Parker.


  5. M R Not Ducks
    O S M R! Hope ya'll are having fun! Glad kids are getting better. We enjoy reading your blogs.Talk with you soon. Terri,Jon&Haley
